

Extension Programs / Public Outreach

Most of the researchers from the Astrophysics Department actively participate in the INAOE´s extension programs. The have participated in the International Year of Astronomy in 2009, and the International Reading Fair (FILEC) organized by the INAOE in collaboration with the Consejo Puebla de Lectura (Puebla Reading Council). This event was held during the OAN-TON’s 65th Anniversary in 2008, over 12,000 people participated during a four day period in chats, workshops and conferences. Guided visits to the telescopes were also important activities.

The INAOE has also organized important activities like: The Science Baths, Science Workshops for Youths, Science Workshops for Teachers and The Astronomy Olympics. The children’s book titled “Gazing at the Universe” was published in 2007, this was an important accomplishment, because it was a quality edition published by the government of Nuevo León.


Last update
24-09-2021 / 01:09 by Liliana Perea Centeno


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