

Dr. Abraham Luna Castellanos

Head of Astrophysics Postgraduate Program at INAOE





  • PhD, Astrophysics, "Molecular Gas Kinematics and High-Mass Star Formation in the spiral Arms in Quadrant IV  of the Milky Way", Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica,  Mexico, 2003.


Research Interests

  • Star Formation

  • Galactic structure

  • Radio astronomy


Recent Publications

L. Carrasco, O. Hernádez Utrera, S. Vázquez, L. D. López Gutiérrez, Y. D. Mayya, E. Carrasco, J. Pedraza, E. Castillo-Domínguez, G. Escobedo, R. Devaraj, and A. Luna, “Canica: The Cananea Near-Infrared Camera At The 2:1m OAGH Telescope”, Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica, 53, 497, 2017

Dewangan, L. K.; Baug, T.; Ojha, D. K.; Janardhan, P.; Devaraj, R.; Luna, A. “The molecular cloud S242: physical environment and star formation activities”, ApJ, 845, 34, 2017

Gómez-Ruiz, A. I.; Guzman-Ramirez, L.; Serrano, E. O.; Sánchez-Argüelles, D.; Luna, A.; Schloerb, F. P.; Narayanan, G.; Yun, M. S.; Sahai, R.; Zijlstra, A. A.; Chavez-Dagostino, M.; Montaña, A.; Hughes, D. H.; Rodríguez, M.,“Early science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: molecules in the extreme outflow of a protoplanetary nebula”, MNRAS, Volume 467, Issue 1, p.L61-L65, 2017.

Retes-Romero, R.; Mayya, Y. D.; Luna, A.; Carrasco, L., “The Star-formation Law in Galactic High-mass Star-forming Molecular Clouds”,The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 839, Issue 2, article id. 113, 20 pp., 2017.

Dewangan, L. K.; Ojha, D. K.; Zinchenko, I.; Janardhan, P.; Luna, A., “Multiwavelength Study of the Star Formation in the S237 H ii Region”, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 834, Issue 1, article id. 22, 18 pp., 2017.

Dewangan, L. K.; Ojha, D. K.; Zinchenko, I.; Janardhan, P.; Ghosh, S. K.; Luna, A., "The Physical Environment around IRAS 17599-2148: Infrared Dark Cloud and Bipolar Nebula", ApJ, 833, 246, 2017.

Dewangan, L. K., Baug, T., Ojha, D. K., Janardhan, P., Ninan, J. P., Luna, A., Zinchenko, I., "Star-formation Activity in the Neighborhood of W–R 1503-160L Star in the Mid-infrared Bubble N46", ApJ 826, 27-, 7/2016.

Dewangan, L. K., Ojha, D. K., Luna, A., Anandarao, B. G., Ninan, J. P., Mallick, K. K., Mayya, Y. D., "A Multi-wavelength Study of Star Formation Activity in the S235 Complex", ApJ 819, 66-, 3/2016.

Dewangan, L. K., Luna, A., Ojha, D. K., Anandarao, B. G., Mallick, K. K.,  Mayya, Y. D., "The Physical Environment of the Massive Star-forming Region W42", ApJ 811, 79-, 10/2015.

Dewangan, L. K., Mayya, Y. D., Luna, A., Ojha, D. K., "Massive Young Stellar Object W42-MME: the Discovery of an Infrared Jet Using VLT/NACO Near-infrared Images", ApJ 803, 100-, 4/2015.

Martínez-García, E. E., Puerari, I., Rosales-Ortega, F. F., González-Lópezlira, R. A., Fuentes-Carrera, I., Luna, A., "The Behavior of the Pitch Angle of Spiral Arms Depending on Optical Wavelength", ApJ 793, L19-, 9/2014.



Last update
24-09-2021 / 01:09 by Liliana Perea Centeno


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