

Dr. Itziar Aretxaga

Office: 2316




PhD. Physics, University of Madrid, Spain 1993
MSc. Physics, University, Spain 1990
BSc. Physics, Complutense de Madrid, Spain 1988


Research interests

  • Galaxies in formation

  • Active galactic nuclei

  • Starbursts

  • Supernovae


Recent Publications

Zavala J., Aretxaga, I., Dunlop, J. S., Micha?owski, M. J., Hughes, D. H., Bourne, N., Chapin, E., Cowley, W., Farrah, D., Lacey, C., Targett, T.,  van der Werf, P., "The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: The EGS deep field - II. Morphological transformation and multiwavelength properties of faint  submillimetre galaxies", MNRAS 475, 5585-5602, 4/2018

Rodríguez-Montoya, I., Sánchez-Argüelles, D., Aretxaga, I., Bertone, E., Chávez-Dagostino, M., Hughes, D. H., Montaña, A., Wilson, G. W., Zeballos, M., "Multiple-component Decomposition from Millimeter Single-channel Data", ApJS 235, 12-, 3/2018

Ueda, Y., Hatsukade, B., Kohno, K., Yamaguchi, Y., Tamura, Y., Umehata, H., Akiyama, M., Ao, Y., Aretxaga, I., Caputi, K., Dunlop, J. S., Espada, D.,  Fujimoto, S., Hayatsu, N. H., Imanishi, M., Inoue, A. K., Ivison, R. J.,  Kodama, T., Lee, M. M., Matsuoka, K., Miyaji, T., Morokuma-Matsui, K., Nagao, T., Nakanishi, K., Nyland, K., Ohta, K., Ouchi, M., Rujopakarn, W.,  Saito, T., Tadaki, K., Tanaka, I., Taniguchi, Y., Wang, T., Wang, W.-H.,  Yoshimura, Y., Yun, M. S., "ALMA 26 arcmin2 Survey of GOODS-S at One-millimeter (ASAGAO): X-Ray AGN Properties of Millimeter-selected Galaxies", ApJ 853, 24-, 1/2018

K. Tadaki, D. Iono, M. S. Yun, I. Aretxaga, B. Hatsukade, D. Hughes, S. Ikarashi, T. Izumi, R. Kawabe, K. Kohno, M. Lee, Y. Matsuda, K. Nakanishi, T. Saito, Y. Tamura, J. Ueda, H. Umehata, G. W. Wilson, T. Michiyama, M. Ando and P. Kamieneski, “A gravitationally unstable gas disk of a starburst galaxy 12 billion years ago”, Nature 560, 613-616, 8/2018

Zeballos, M., Aretxaga, I., Hughes, D. H., Humphrey, A., Wilson, G. W., Austermann, J., Dunlop, J. S., Ezawa, H., Ferrusca, D., Hatsukade, B., Ivison, R. J., Kawabe, R., Kim, S., Kodama, T., Kohno, K., Montaña, A., Nakanishi, K., Plionis, M., Sánchez-Argüelles, D., Stevens, J. A., Tamura, Y., Velazquez, M., Yun, M. S., "AzTEC 1.1 mm observations of high-zprotocluster environments: SMG overdensities and misalignment between AGN jets and SMG distribution", MNRAS 479, 4577-4632, 10/2018

Jin, S., Daddi, E., Liu, D., Smol?i?, V., Schinnerer, E., Calabrò, A., Gu, Q., Delhaize, J., Delvecchio, I., Gao, Y., Salvato, M., Puglisi, A., Dickinson, M., Bertoldi, F., Sargent, M., Novak, M., Magdis, G., Aretxaga, I., Wilson, G. W., Capak, P., "“Super-deblended” Dust Emission in Galaxies. II. Far-IR to (Sub)millimeter Photometry and High-redshift Galaxy Candidates in the Full COSMOS Field", ApJ 864, 56-, 9/2018

Takekoshi, T., Minamidani, T., Komugi, S., Kohno, K., Tosaki, T., Sorai,  K., Muller, E., Mizuno, N., Kawamura, A., Onishi, T., Fukui, Y., Bot, C., Rubio, M., Ezawa, H., Oshima, T., Austermann, J. E., Matsuo, H., Aretxaga, I., Hughes, D. H., Kawabe, R., Wilson, G. W., Yun, M. S., "The Dust-selected Molecular Clouds in the Northeast Region of the Small Magellanic Cloud", ApJ 867, 117-, 11/2018

Longinotti, A. L., Vega, O., Krongold, Y., Aretxaga, I., Yun, M., Chavushyan, V., Feruglio, C., Gómez-Ruiz, A., Montaña, A., León-Tavares, J., Olguín-Iglesias, A., Giroletti, M., Guainazzi, M., Kotilainen, J., Panessa, F., Zapata, L. A., Cruz-Gonzalez, I., Patiño-Álvarez, V. M.,Rosa-Gonzalez, D., Carramiñana, A., Carrasco, L., Costantini, E., Dultzin, D., Guichard, J., Puerari, I., Santos-Lleo, M., "Early Science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: An Energy-driven Wind Revealed by Massive Molecular and Fast X-Ray Outflows in the Seyfert Galaxy IRAS 17020+4544", ApJ 867, L11-, 11/2018

Ikarashi, S., Caputi, K. I., Ohta, K., Ivison, R. J., Lagos, C. D. P.,Bisigello, L., Hatsukade, B., Aretxaga, I., Dunlop, J. S., Hughes, D. H., Iono, D., Izumi, T., Kashikawa, N., Koyama, Y., Kawabe, R., Kohno, K., Motohara, K., Nakanishi, K., Tamura, Y., Umehata, H., Wilson, G. W., Yabe, K., Yun, M. S., "Very Compact Millimeter Sizes for CompositeStar-forming/AGN Submillimeter Galaxies", ApJ 849, L36-, 11/2017

Webb, T. M. A., Lowenthal, J., Yun, M., Noble, A. G., Muzzin, A., Wilson, G., Yee, H. K. C., Cybulski, R., Aretxaga, I., Hughes, D. H., "Detection of a Substantial Molecular Gas Reservoir in a Brightest Cluster Galaxy at z = 1.7", ApJ 844, L17-, 8/2017

Roberts-Borsani, G. W., Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., Daprà, M., Alatalo, K., Aretxaga, I., Álvarez-Márquez, J., Baker, A. J., Fujimoto, S., Gallardo, P. A., Gralla, M., Hilton, M., Hughes, J. P., Jiménez, C., Laporte, N., Marriage, T. A., Nati, F., Rivera, J., Sievers, A., Weiß, A., Wilson, G.W., Wollack, E. J., Yun, M. S., "Multiwavelength Characterization of an ACT-selected, Lensed Dusty Star-forming Galaxy at z = 2.64", ApJ 844, 110-,8/2017

Chanchaiworawit, K., Guzmán, R., Rodríguez Espinosa, J. M.,Castro-Rodríguez, N., Salvador-Solé, E., Calvi, R., Gallego, J., Herrero, A., Manrique, A., Marín-Franch, A., Mas-Hesse, J. M., Aretxaga, I., Carrasco, E., Terlevich, E., Terlevich, R., "Gran Telescopio Canarias observations of an overdense region of Lyman ? emitters at z = 6.5", MNRAS 469, 2646-2661, 8/2017

Micha?owski, M. J., Dunlop, J. S., Koprowski, M. P., Cirasuolo, M., Geach, J. E., Bowler, R. A. A., Mortlock, A., Caputi, K. I., Aretxaga, I., Arumugam, V., Chen, C.-C., McLure, R. J., Birkinshaw, M., Bourne, N., Farrah, D., Ibar, E., van der Werf, P., Zemcov, M., "The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: the nature of bright submm galaxies from 2 deg2 of 850-?m imaging", MNRAS 469, 492-515, 7/2017

Martínez-Paredes, M., Aretxaga, I., Alonso-Herrero, A., González-Martín, O., Lopéz-Rodríguez, E., Ramos Almeida, C., Asensio Ramos, A., Diaz Santos, T., Elitzur, M., Esquej, P., Hernán-Caballero, A., Ichikawa, K.,  Nikutta, R., Packham, C., Pereira-Santaella, M., Telesco, C., "The dusty tori of nearby QSOs as constrained by high-resolution mid-IR observations", MNRAS 468, 2-46, 6/2017

Lee, M. M., Tanaka, I., Kawabe, R., Kohno, K., Kodama, T., Kajisawa, M., Yun, M. S., Nakanishi, K., Iono, D., Tamura, Y., Hatsukade, B., Umehata, H., Saito, T., Izumi, T., Aretxaga, I., Tadaki, K.-i., Zeballos, M., Ikarashi, S., Wilson, G. W., Hughes, D. H., Ivison, R. J., "A Radio-to-mm Census of Star-forming Galaxies in Protocluster 4C23.56 at Z = 2.5: GasMass and Its Fraction Revealed with ALMA", ApJ 842, 55-, 6/2017

González-Martín, O., Masegosa, J., Hernán-Caballero, A., Márquez, I.,Ramos Almeida, C., Alonso-Herrero, A., Aretxaga, I., Rodríguez-Espinosa, J. M., Acosta-Pulido, J. A., Hernández-García, L., Esparza-Arredondo, D.,  Martínez-Paredes, M., Bonfini, P., Pasetto, A., Dultzin, D., "Hints on the  Gradual Resizing of the Torus in AGNs through Decomposition of Spitzer/IRS Spectra", ApJ 841, 37-, 5/2017

Dunlop, J. S., McLure, R. J., Biggs, A. D., Geach, J. E., Micha?owski, M. J., Ivison, R. J., Rujopakarn, W., van Kampen, E., Kirkpatrick, A., Pope, A., Scott, D., Swinbank, A. M., Targett, T. A., Aretxaga, I., Austermann, J. E., Best, P. N., Bruce, V. A., Chapin, E. L., Charlot, S., Cirasuolo, M., Coppin, K., Ellis, R. S., Finkelstein, S. L., Hayward, C. C., Hughes, D. H., Ibar, E., Jagannathan, P., Khochfar, S., Koprowski, M. P.,  Narayanan, D., Nyland, K., Papovich, C., Peacock, J. A., Rieke, G. H.,  Robertson, B., Vernstrom, T., Werf, P. P. v. d., Wilson, G. W., Yun, M., "A deep ALMA image of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field", MNRAS 466, 861-883, 4/2017

Rosa-González, D., Coutiño de León, S., Mayya, Y. D., Carramiñana, A., Aretxaga, I., Becerra González, J., Furniss, A., Terlevich, E., Vega, O., Méndez-Abreu, J., León Tavares, J., Longinotti, A. L., Terlevich, R., "On  the redshifts of the BL Lac 3FGL J0909.0+2310 and its close companion",MNRAS 466, 540-545, 4/2017

Pope, A., Montaña, A., Battisti, A., Limousin, M., Marchesini, D., Wilson, G. W., Alberts, S., Aretxaga, I., Avila-Reese, V., Ramón Bermejo-Climent, J., Brammer, G., Bravo-Alfaro, H., Calzetti, D., Chary, R.-R., Cybulski, R., Giavalisco, M., Hughes, D., Kado-Fong, E., Keller, E., Kirkpatrick, A.,  Labbe, I., Lange-Vagle, D., Lowenthal, J., Murphy, E., Oesch, P., Rosa  Gonzalez, D., Sánchez-Argüelles, D., Shipley, H., Stefanon, M., Vega, O.,  Whitaker, K., Williams, C. C., Yun, M., Zavala, J. A., Zeballos, M., "Early

Science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: Detection of Dust Emission in  Multiple Images of a Normal Galaxy at z > 4 Lensed by a Frontier FieldsCluster", ApJ 838, 137-, 4/2017

Geach, J. E., Dunlop, J. S., Halpern, M., Smail, I., van der Werf, P.,Alexander, D. M., Almaini, O., Aretxaga, I., Arumugam, V., Asboth, V.,Banerji, M., Beanlands, J., Best, P. N., Blain, A. W., Birkinshaw, M., Chapin, E. L., Chapman, S. C., Chen, C.-C., Chrysostomou, A., Clarke, C., Clements, D. L., Conselice, C., Coppin, K. E. K., Cowley, W. I., Danielson, A. L. R., Eales, S., Edge, A. C., Farrah, D., Gibb, A., Harrison, C. M., Hine, N. K., Hughes, D., Ivison, R. J., Jarvis, M., Jenness, T., Jones, S.  F., Karim, A., Koprowski, M., Knudsen, K. K., Lacey, C. G., Mackenzie, T.,  Marsden, G., McAlpine, K., McMahon, R., Meijerink, R., Micha?owski, M. J., Oliver, S. J., Page, M. J., Peacock, J. A., Rigopoulou, D., Robson, E. I.,Roseboom, I., Rotermund, K., Scott, D., Serjeant, S., Simpson, C., Simpson, J. M., Smith, D. J. B., Spaans, M., Stanley, F., Stevens, J. A., Swinbank, A. M., Targett, T., Thomson, A. P., Valiante, E., Wake, D. A., Webb, T. M.  A., Willott, C., Zavala, J. A., Zemcov, M., "The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: 850 ?m maps, catalogues and number counts", MNRAS 465, 1789-1806, 2/2017

Ikarashi, S., Ivison, R. J., Caputi, K. I., Nakanishi, K., Lagos, C. D. P.,  Ashby, M. L. N., Aretxaga, I., Dunlop, J. S., Hatsukade, B., Hughes, D. H., Iono, D., Izumi, T., Kawabe, R., Kohno, K., Motohara, K., Ohta, K., Tamura,  Y., Umehata, H., Wilson, G. W., Yabe, K., Yun, M. S., "Extremely Red Submillimeter Galaxies: New z ? 4-6 Candidates Discovered using ALMA and Jansky VLA", ApJ 835, 286-, 2/2017

Zavala, J. A., Aretxaga, I., Geach, J. E., Hughes, D. H., Birkinshaw, M.,  Chapin, E., Chapman, S., Chen, C.-C., Clements, D. L., Dunlop, J. S.,  Farrah, D., Ivison, R. J., Jenness, T., Micha?owski, M. J., Robson, E. I.,  Scott, D., Simpson, J., Spaans, M., van der Werf, P., "The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: the EGS deep field - I. Deep number counts and the redshift distribution of the recovered cosmic infrared background at 450 and 850 ? m", MNRAS 464, 3369-3384, 1/2017

Takekoshi, T., Minamidani, T., Komugi, S., Kohno, K., Tosaki, T., Sorai, K., Muller, E., Mizuno, N., Kawamura, A., Onishi, T., Fukui, Y., Ezawa, H., Oshima, T., Scott, K. S., Austermann, J. E., Matsuo, H., Aretxaga, I.,  Hughes, D. H., Kawabe, R., Wilson, G. W., Yun, M. S., "The 1.1 mm Continuum Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud: Physical Properties and Evolution of the Dust-selected Clouds", ApJ 835, 55-, 1/2017

Wall, W. F., Puerari, I., Tilanus, R., Israel, F. P., Austermann, J. E., Aretxaga, I., Wilson, G., Yun, M., Scott, K. S., Perera, T. A., Roberts, C. M., Hughes, D. H., "Continuum observations of M 51 and M 83 at 1.1 mm with AzTEC", MNRAS 459, 1440-1467, 6/2016.

Harrington, K. C., Yun, M. S., Cybulski, R., Wilson, G. W., Aretxaga,I., Chavez, M., De la Luz, V., Erickson, N., Ferrusca, D., Gallup, A. D., Hughes, D. H., Montaña, A., Narayanan, G., Sánchez-Argüelles, D. (est.), Schloerb, F. P., Souccar, K., Terlevich, E., Terlevich, R., Zeballos, M., Zavala, J. A. (est.), "Early science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: observations of extremely luminous high-z sources identified by Planck", MNRAS 458, 4383-4399, 6/2016.

Koprowski, M. P., Dunlop, J. S., Micha?owski, M. J., Roseboom, I.,Geach, J. E., Cirasuolo, M., Aretxaga, I., Bowler, R. A. A., Banerji, M.,  Bourne, N., Coppin, K. E. K., Chapman, S., Hughes, D. H., Jenness, T.,  McLure, R. J., Symeonidis, M., Werf, P. v. d., "The SCUBA-2 Cosmology  Legacy Survey: galaxies in the deep 850 ?m survey, and the star-forming  `main sequence'", MNRAS 458, 4321-4344, 6/2016.

Chen, C.-C., Smail, I., Ivison, R. J., Arumugam, V., Almaini, O., Conselice, C. J., Geach, J. E., Hartley, W. G., Ma, C.-J., Mortlock, A.,  Simpson, C., Simpson, J. M., Swinbank, A. M., Aretxaga, I., Blain, A.,  Chapman, S. C., Dunlop, J. S., Farrah, D., Halpern, M., Micha?owski, M.  J., van der Werf, P., Wilkinson, A., Zavala, J. A. (est.), "The SCUBA-2 Cosmology  Legacy Survey: Multiwavelength Counterparts to 103 Submillimeter Galaxies in the UKIDSS-UDS Field", ApJ 820, 82-, 4/2016.

Alonso-Herrero, A., Esquej, P., Roche, P. F., Ramos Almeida, C.,González-Martín, O., Packham, C., Levenson, N. A., Mason, R. E.,Hernán-Caballero, A., Pereira-Santaella, M., Alvarez, C., Aretxaga, I., López-Rodríguez, E., Colina, L., Díaz-Santos, T., Imanishi, M.,Rodríguez Espinosa, J. M., Perlman, E., "A mid-infrared spectroscopicatlas of local active galactic nuclei on sub-arcsecond resolution using GTC/CanariCam", MNRAS 455, 563-583, 1/2016.



Last update
24-09-2021 / 01:09 by Liliana Perea Centeno


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