

Dr. Ivanio Puerari

Office: 1313




  • PhD, Astrophysics, “Étude des structures des disques galactiques”, Université de Provence, Aix-Marseile I, France, 1995.

  • BSc, Physics, "Análise de Fourier em galáxias espirais", Departamento de Astronomía Instituto de Física de la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande del Sur, Brazil. T, 1990. 

  • BSc, Physics, Instituto de Física de la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande del Sur, Brazil, 1987.


Research Interests

  • Galaxies

  • N-Body simulations


Recent Publications

Chaves-Velasquez, L.; Patsis, P. A.; Puerari, I.; Skokos, Ch.; Manos, T., “Boxy Orbital Structures in Rotating Bar Models”,The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 850, Issue 2, article id. 145, 17 pp., 2017.

Viaene, S.; Sarzi, M.; Baes, M.; Fritz, J.; Puerari, I.,  “MUSE stares into the shadows: the high-resolution dust attenuation curve of NGC 5626”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 472, Issue 2, p.1286-1299, 2017.

Valencia-Enríquez, D.; Puerari, I.; Chaves-Velasquez, L., “Detecting the growth of structures in Pure Stellar Disk Models”, Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica Vol. 53, pp. 257-273, 2017.

Wall, W. F.; Puerari, I.; Tilanus, R.; Israel, F. P.; Austermann, J. E.; Aretxaga, I.; Wilson, G.; Yun, M.; Scott, K. S.; Perera, T. A.; Roberts, C. M.; Hughes, D. H., Continuum observations of M 51 and M 83 at 1.1 mm with AzTEC, MNRAS 459, 1440, 2016.

Sierra, A. D., Seigar, M. S., Treuthardt, P., Puerari, I., "Determination of resonance locations in barred spiral galaxies using multiband photometry", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 450, Issue 2, p.1799-1811 450, 1799-1811, 6/2015.

Puerari, I., Elmegreen, B. G., Block, D. L., "A New Method to Estimate Local Pitch Angles in Spiral Galaxies: Application to Spiral Arms and Feathers in M81 and M51", AJ 148, 133-, 12/2014. Registrada en ISI, SCI, ISSN 0004-6256.

León Tavares, J., Kotilainen, J., Chavushyan, V., Añorve, C., Puerari, I., Cruz-González, I., Patiño-Alvarez, V. (est.), Antón, S., Carramiñana, A., Carrasco, L., Guichard, J., Karhunen, K., Olguín-Iglesias, A., Sanghvi, J., Valdes, J., "The Host Galaxy of the Gamma-Ray Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy 1H 0323+342", ApJ 795, 58-, 11/2014. Registrada en ISI, SCI, ISSN: 0004-637X.

Mata-Chávez, M. D., Gómez, G. C., Puerari, I., "Analysis of the spiral structure in a simulated galaxy", MNRAS 444, 3756-3760, 11/2014.

Martí­nez-Garcia, E. E., Puerari, I., Rosales-Ortega, F. F., González-Lópezlira, R. A., Fuentes-Carrera, I., Luna, A., "The Behavior of the Pitch Angle of Spiral Arms Depending on Optical Wavelength", ApJ 793, L19-, 9/2014.

Martí­nez-Garcí­a, E. E., Puerari, I., "The Shock-induced Star Formation Sequence Resulting from a Constant Spiral Pattern Speed", ApJ 790, 118-, 8/2014.




Last update
24-09-2021 / 01:09 by Liliana Perea Centeno


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