

Dr. Omar López Cruz

Office: 1318




  • PhD, Astronomy, University of Toronto, Canada, 1997.

  • BSc, Astronomy, University of Toronto, Canada, 1991.

  • BSc, Physics and Mathematics, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico, 1988.


Research Interests

  • Clusters of Galaxies: Optical and X-rays properties

  • Galaxy Evolution.

  • Cosmology


Recent Publications

López-Cruz, O., Soto-Eguibar, F., Zúñiga-Segundo, A., & Moya-Cessa, H. M., "Entropy Growth in the Universe: Some Plausible Scenarios", International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 56, 1558, 2017

Voytek, T. C., Natarajan, A., Jáuregui Garcí­a, J. M., Peterson, J. B., López-Cruz, O., "Probing the Dark Ages at z ~ 20: The SCI-HI 21 cm All-sky Spectrum Experiment", ApJ 782, L9-, 2/2014 .

Treviño, J. P., López-Cruz, O., Chávez-Cerda, S., "Segmented vortex telescope and its tolerance to diffraction effects and primary aberrations", OptEn 52, 081605-, 8/2013. 

Johansson, D., Horellou, C., Lopez-Cruz, O., Muller, S., Birkinshaw, M., Black, J. H., Bremer, M. N., Wall, W. F., Bertoldi, F., Castillo, E., Ibarra-Medel, H. J., "Molecular gas and dust in the highly magnified z ~ 2.8 galaxy behind the Bullet Cluster", A&A 543, A62-, 7/2012.

Johansson, D.; Horellou, C.; Sommer, M. W.; Basu, K.; Bertoldi, F.; Birkinshaw, M.; Lancaster, K.; Lopez-Cruz, O.; Quintana, H., "Submillimeter galaxies behind the Bullet cluster (1E 0657-56), A&A, 514, A77,  2010.

Odell, Andrew P.; Eaton, Joel A.; López-Cruz, Omar, "V432 Per, a close binary star in poor thermal contact", MNRAS 400, 2085O, 2009.




Last update
24-09-2021 / 01:09 by Liliana Perea Centeno


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