

Dr. Sergiy Silich

Office: 1307




  • PhD, Physics, Dnepropetrovsk State University, Ukraine, 1980.

  • BScPhysics, Dnepropetrovsk State University, Ukraine, 1974.


Research Interests

  • Shock waves

  • Starburst galaxies

  • Interstellar Hydrodynamics


Recent Publications

Turner, J. L., Consiglio, S. M., Beck, S. C., Goss, W. M., Ho, P.T.P., Meier, D. M., Silich, S., Zhao, J.-H., “ALMA Detects CO(3-2) within a Super Star Cluster in NGC 5253”,  ApJ, 846:73, 5pp., 2017

 Oey, M. S., Herrera, C. N., Silich, S., Reiter, M., James, B. L., Jaskot, A. E., Micheva, G. “Dense CO in Mrk 71-A: Superwind Suppressed in a Young Super Star Cluster”, ApJ Letters, 849:L1, 6pp., 2017.

Consiglio, S. M.,  Turner, J. L., Beck, S. C.,  Meier, D. M.,  Goss, W. M.,Silich, S., Zhao, J.-H. “ALMA CO(3-2) Observations of Star Forming Filaments in a Gas-Poor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy”, ApJ, 850:54. 8pp., 2017

Silich, S. & Tenorio-Tagle, G. Gas expulsion versus gas retention: what prosess dominates in young massive clusters? MNRAS,465, 1375-1383, 2017.

Tenorio-Tagle, G., Muñoz-Tuñón, C., Cassisi, S., Silich, S., "The Realm of the Galactic Globular Clusters and the Mass of Their Primordial Clouds", ApJ 825, 118-, 7/2016.

Martínez-González, S., Tenorio-Tagle, G., Silich, S., "Infrared Observational Manifestations of Young Dusty Super Star Clusters", ApJ 816, 39-, 1/2016.

Tenorio-Tagle, G., Silich, S., Martínez-González, S., Terlevich, R. & Terlevich, E. “On the origin of the absorption and emission line components in the spectra of PHL~293B”, 2015, ApJ, 800:131, 6pp.

HAWC collaboration: Abdo, A., A., Abeysekara, A. U., Alfaro, R., et al. (incluyendo Silich, S.), “VAMOS: A pathfinder for the HAWC gamma-ray observatory”, 2015, Astroparticle Physics, 62, 125-133.

HAWC collaboration: Abdo, A., A., Abeysekara, A. U., Alfaro, R., et al. (incluyendo Silich, S.) “Milagro limits and HAWC sensitivity for the rate-density of evaporating Primordial Black Holes”, 2015, Astroparticle Physics, 64, 4-12.


Last update
24-09-2021 / 01:09 by Liliana Perea Centeno


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