


The CCD detector of the Direct Imaging camera is a back illuminated Tektronix chip of format 1024x1024 pixels (TK1024AB grade 1). The device specifications are tabulated below.


Type  Tektronix TK1024 AB
Format 1024 x 1024 pixeles
Pixel size 24 x 24 micras
Dark current 0.4 e-/hour
Operating temperature -110° C
Full Well Capacity 503 ke-
Bias Mean level 1000 ADU en 1x de ganancia
Readout rate 40 Khz.
ADC Resolution 16 bit


Gain/Noise measurements


Medición  en 1X  de ganancia: 7.68 e-/ADU Noise 8.4 e- RMS
Medición en 4X de ganancia: 1.85 e-/ADU Noise 3.7 e- RMS



Last update
24-09-2021 / 01:09 by Liliana Perea Centeno


Address: Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, Mexico ZIP Code. 72840 Tel: (222) 266.31.00 Contact:

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